
The Eucharist is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine, which is offered to us during the Holy Mass and is the food of divine life. The Eucharist sanctifies us and makes us partakers of the divine life.
The Lord addresses an invitation to us, urging us to receive him in the sacrament of the Eucharist: “Truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”
(CCC #1384)
First Holy Communion For Children
Why Receive First Holy Communion?
– Nourishment of the Soul and Union with Christ: The central reason for receiving First Holy Communion is to partake in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Catholics believe in the Real Presence, wherein the consecrated bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ during the celebration of the Mass.
By receiving the Eucharist, the communicant is spiritually nourished and enters into a profound union with Christ, strengthening their relationship with Him.
– Initiation into the Fullness of Catholic Faith. By receiving the Eucharist for the first time, the Catholic completes their initiation into the fullness of the Catholic faith. This milestone marks a significant step in the individual’s spiritual journey within the Church, allowing them to actively participate in the Mass and fully engage in the life of the Church.
First Holy Communion Requirements for children
Attend the Religious Education Program. Please, visit Ministries and Groups/ Religious Education or call Religious Education Office Tel. 305-557-2511First Communion for Adults.
Adults 18 and older interested in participating in full communion with the Catholic Church are invited to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Please, visit Ministries and Groups/ Religious Education or call Parish Office Tel. 305-558-2511 Att. Deacon Emilio Blanco