Funeral Mass

“While we are alive, we are living for the Lord, and when we die, we die for the Lord: and so, alive or dead, we belong to the Lord”

Rom 14,8

We pray with your family for the salvation of your loved one and help lead your family and friends from grief to a deeper faith in the resurrection.

Below are the steps to arrange a Funeral Mass in our church.

  1. Funeral Mass will be with ashes or casket.
  2. Reserve a date: Go to our office to notify your request. We guide you with the things that you need to do before the Mass. This is a private mass; we always give our families the opportunity to choose the 2 readings for the mass.

  3. Music: You may coordinate music with our Music Ministry through the office.

  4. Picture: You may bring a framed photo of your deceased. We have an easel or small table where we can prop it up nicely on the altar.

  5. Livestream: We offer a live-stream service for a cash fee. Coordinate through the office.

Reserve a date: Go to our office to notify your request. We guide you with the things that you need to do before the Mass. This is a private mass; we always give our families the opportunity to choose the 2 readings for the mass.

Picture. You may bring a framed photo of your deceased. We have an easel or small table where we can prop it up nicely on the altar.

Funeral Mass will be with ashes or casket.

Music. You may coordinate music with our Music Ministry through the office.

Livestream. We offer a livestream service for a cash fee. Coordinate through the office.

We support you with all these details and answer any questions you may have.

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